There are five divisions designed to categorize riders based on age and size. The divisions ensure riders compete with others at a similar age and size, and that the roughstock is sized appropriately for each rider.
Age 6-9
as of January 1 of competition year
- Weight limit: 85 lbs
- Stock size: mini bloodlines, maximum 450 lbs
Age 10-11
as of January 1 of competition year
- Weight limit: 95 lbs
- Stock size: mini bloodlines, maximum 600 lbs and 13.2 HH
Age Under 13 – min 11
as of January 1 of competition year
- Weight limit: 120 lbs
Stock size: pony bloodlines,
max 675 lbs
Age 14-15
as of January 1 of competition year
- Weight limit: 160 lbs
- Stock size: any boodline, maximum 1,000 lbs and 14.2 HH
Age 16-18
as of January 1 of competition year
- Weight limit: No limit
- Stock size: no weight limit
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